Tuesday 3 April 2012


In the middle of the night,
When the moon came out in sight,
I was waiting for you,
with a hope in heart ,
that I will meet my sweetheart..

Clouds flew by,
stars twinkling very high,
glowing bees fly nearby,
and my heart giving a sigh...

The moonlit night passed on,
on the advent of the  golden  sun,
I still stood there...at the door..
waiting for the one  whom I adore..

Days and nights went on,
The await for the one grew on,
seasons changed and so the world...
But I remained same under the sun...

After so long today,
I notice the glow on my cheek,
experiencing the wonderful feel,
ecstasy or bliss ..
my soul contended and at peace ..
for it found out the one I seek...